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7 Ways You Can Bloom Bright in 2023

Believe it or not, it's not too late to start 2023 with a bang. In fact, for some people, the New Year hasn’t even started yet.

The Lunar New Year isn't until this Sunday, January 22nd. Which is great news if the start of your year has felt a bit….lackluster.

If you’re still feeling like you're caught in the energy of '22, it's not too late to shed that skin and anchor into some new vibes & habits.

(And if you’re still looking for New Year Resolution ideas, check out my last blog: 10 Cannabis Resolutions.)

For me personally, this year I’m anchoring into my Higher Purpose—pun intended—and focusing on why I’m on this planet.

To help you do the same, I’m sharing the 7 ways I’m supporting my own flourishing in 2023. I hope it inspires you!

Women smiling holding Double Happiness My Bud Vase

1. Choose a Word of the Year

Can a single word define your year? Yes, if you make it so! Choosing a word of the year that embodies the values & vibes you want to live into is so important.

My word for 2023 is flow. I chose this word because I’m a high functioning woman who tends to take on too much and push herself too hard. Can you relate?

Like many of us, I go full speed until I crash, and then I need to recover.  

What I’m FINALLY learning is how to read my body and my energy so that I can pace myself. It sounds simple, but it’s honestly eluded me in the past.

I’m learning how to listen to my body’s cues that say, “Rest, Walk, Eat Protein, Reschedule” so that I can flow more and stress less.

If you aren’t sure what word to pick, then this is a good opportunity to practice seeking guidance from the Universe or your Higher Power. 

This can be via meditation, an oracle deck, or other forms of divination…if you’re down with the “woo.” Cannabis and spirituality go hand-in-hand in my book!

What’s really helped me lately is listening to tarot readings on YouTube after a mini sesh. 

Minnow Pond Tarot has a YouTube series of 2023 Yearly Tarot Readings for each astrological sign. This guy is AMAZING and very inspiring.

I can’t speak for everyone else’s, but I can tell you that Scorpio’s was on. point. Highly recommend checking it out!

2. Set Intentions & Affirmations

I love setting intentions for the year ahead. But I’ve found that where the rubber really meets the road is in setting intentions daily.

When I set intentions each morning, it helps me to prioritize what I really want to give my energy to over the next 24 hours.

As I’ve become more mindful of my FLOW,  I’ve been creating space for new practices that help me live into my purpose.

Here’s a new habit I’m loving so far: reciting daily affirmations to myself!

I’ve been working through Emma Hyndall’s book Daily Affirmations For Women.

You’ve probably heard the saying that 21 days of practicing a habit can change your life. 

Well I’m only on day 18 of this one, and I can tell you, it’s already happening!

My favorite affirmation so far? I am worthy of investing in myself.

Feel free to borrow it. 😉

Maybe this is a generational issue, or maybe this is the result of being a parent, but I can invest time, money & energy into everyone and everything—yet when it comes to me, I’m always short changing myself.  

WTF? Can you relate?  We need to stop this and start investing in ourselves because we deserve for us to give our absolute best, to us!

3. Make It Visual 

This one is a HUGE help for me personally. I’m a very visual person, and once I see it, I live it.

I have to have visual inspiration around my home and office.

You’d be surprised just how important visuals are for you to grow and change. What is in your line of sight? How does that affect your mood and your energy? 

It’s time to open the curtains and plant something beautiful outside that window you look through everyday. Add a bird feeder, and watch Nature do her thing!

Also if you're working on something new and important, look at it often. Whatever is important that I’m working on, I make copies of it and tape it up in different places so that I can see it at different times, in different situations.

This inspires me and helps me work through the creative executions

Creating a vision board is also an incredible way to stay visually inspired. It not only helps you clarify your intentions, but it also serves as an ongoing reminder as you manifest daily.

You could even try finding a piece of art, or a new bud vase, that inspires you daily. 

Sometimes just laying my eyes on my pretty bong is all I need to shift my mindset. 😍

Whatever you choose, just be sure it’s somewhere you’ll experience it daily.

4. Nourish Yourself: Mind, Body & Soul

There’s the obvious one—eat your greens! And drink your water…

One way I’m nourishing my body in 2023 is by learning how to cook with cannabis

And while nourishing our bodies is so important, this year I’m also thinking about other ways of nourishing myself, including my heart, mind, and soul.

This includes the nourishment of rest, meditation, movement that feels good, books that spark my creativity, friends & family that light up my life, beautiful places that fill me with awe—and of course—good quality cannabis.

Nourishment can come in so many forms (including treating yourself to an artistic bong)!

Don’t forget to ask yourself each day what you need, and make getting it top priority. 

Fuel is an essential prerequisite to getting anywhere, darling!

Doreen Splashing Feet In a Pool Holding a Jewel My Bud Vase

5. Track Your Progress & Celebrate Your Wins

It can be so easy to forget all that we’ve accomplished at the end of each day, let alone each month or year.

If you find yourself feeling down about your productivity, start keeping a list of what you accomplish each day—and I guarantee you’ll surprise yourself!

This can be done in a journal, a planner, or just a note on your phone.

Wherever you track your progress, be sure you go back and review it often for an extra dopamine boost, and then…

Give yourself a pat on the back! Celebrating even the small wins helps keep motivation up for the big stuff.

6. Lean on Your Cannabis Community—Don’t Do It Alone

It is this community of women in cannabis that keeps me sane.

I have a project that connects me to a Woman of Weed going on at all times! We need to be there for each other and help each other often.

I’m honored that My Bud Vase has helped so many new businesses and young entrepreneurs through the years.

One of my life philosophies is that everything is better together!

This is especially true as we get closer to legalization—women in the cannabis industry need each other now more than ever.

My 2023 goal is to accelerate towards more co-creating & collaborations.

There’s a saying I love: “You can go fast alone, but you can go further together.”

We all know it takes a village. Together, you’ll go so much further than you would have alone, you’ll see!

7. Be Kind to Yourself

I saved the best one for last. And I know it sounds simple, but this one can be hard!

As I’m learning how to flow, I still have to remind myself daily to be kind to myself.

Tough love is great, but sometimes, you need to give yourself grace and be patient with the process. 

If you forget to check off one, or several, of your new daily habits—don’t get discouraged—just start over fresh the next day. 

Life is an endless cycle of beginning again. After all, that’s what celebrating the New Year is all about!

And your opportunities to start over come again, and again, with each beautiful sunrise. Remember that!

Now, It’s Up to You

I hope you’ll take these 7 tips and start making 2023 the year that you bloom bigger & brighter than ever before!

What’s your word for 2023? DM me on Instagram and tell me about it.


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