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As Seen in Forbes!

  I’m tickled pink to be featured in Forbes. This is an absolute career-high and means the world to me. I started My...

Valentine's Day High Times Gift Guide

We're always excited to be featured in gift guides, especially for Valentine's Day!  "How many of us have been sm...

FOUR20 Premium Market's Gift Guide For Women Who Love Weed

The Calgary-based retailer shares its top picks for cannabis accessories, storage and gift bundles this holiday season.

High Herstory - Holiday Gift Guide 2019

My Bud Vase is one of our absolute favorite gifts to give this season. You can watch the musical video collaboration we did with them called “The Bong Song” here. The video is a call to action to end the stigma against responsible cannabis consumption with style! Founder, Doreen Sullivan, has long been a thought leader in female entrepreneurship running her successful creative agency, Post No Bills. With My Bud Vase, she has created a line of gorgeous bongs that are discreet and beyond classy.

Civilized Magazine-Laganja Estranja's Holiday Gift Guide

If you're holiday shopping for the cannabis lover in your life and don't know where to start, look no further than this highly curated gift guide, brought to you by cannabis drag queen Laganja Estranja. As an expert in all things weed, Laganja's got you covered on everything from cannabis accessories to actual infused products. 

Holiday Gift Guide 2019: The Best Cannabis Glassware

My Bud Vase makes some of the most eye-catching glassware around. Each piece looks more like a vase filled with flowers than a bong, placing MyBudVase at the perfect intersection of art and functionality.

The High Times Gift Guide For Sophisticated Smokers

My Bud Vase One day, Doreen Sullivan found herself staring at her antique Venetian vase. Could she make it into a water pipe, maybe? The answer was yes. The brand expert, speaker, and creative visionary has since created My Bud Vase, a unique line of vintage vases that have been repurposed into completely one-of-a-kind water pipes.

Leafly’s Holiday Gifts: Vapes, Bongs, and Rigs

My Bud Vase Coyōté The earthy tones and texture of Coyote from My Bud Vase will be a highlight in the rustic home of someone you love. Its gorgeous design is stylish enough to serve as a piece of art when it’s not being used for fun and festivity. 

The Greencamp Cannabis Gift Guide for Holiday Season 2019

With the holiday’s coming ‘round the corner, it’s time to get shopping! With parents, loved ones, in-laws, coworkers, all those Secret Santas can really begin to build up. Since legalization’s begun and spread across North America, we’ve seen a proliferation of cannabis products and buds. Luckily, we’ve put together a handy holiday guide to help you find the perfect gift for anyone from the Canna-curious to the Canna-seur.  

Growing Up Stoner: How I Found The Perfect Bong at Age 33

... suddenly, there it was, as though it had been right in front of me the whole time. A friend shared an Instagram p...
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